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Thankful to Serve

I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 2 Timothy 1:3 People ask us all the time why we serve, why we do what we do. We know who we serve, we serve because of what he has done for us. We serve because of God’s compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love He has for us and the world. During our morning devotion, we discussed willingness to serve. Woody Woodruff commented how he gets asked why do you do what you do. His response was: “I know who I was before Christ, how could I not be willing to serve and give Him my all.” The apostle Paul had this same approach to serve as a result of being forgiven. Paul thanked God who he serves. In David Jeremiah’s devotion “Turning Point With God,” it says “He[Paul] never got over the fact that One he persecuted called him to be His Chief apostle.” We are all forgiven by God, and all called into His service, one way or another. We are to have the willingness to serve instead that is through prayer, serving at church, donating, or evangelism, etc. We are all called to serve, because of what all God has done for us. “The most holy service that we can render to God is to be employed in praising His name. -John Calvin


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