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  • Writer's pictureGSA

How Big "I AM"

These past couples of months have been amazing seeing how incredible God is. We spoke at a church to bring awareness to Good Samaritans and, more particularly, about Project Smiles 2020. In our five minutes window, we asked the congregation to sign up to grab a box to fill it with toys, hygiene products, clothes, or school supplies. Truthfully, my expectation was pretty low; I was expecting maybe 10 people to sign up.

But God was like, "Rachel, I am going to use my people to show you how big I Am." We had 30 families/individuals sign up for filling up a box. People would bring the box filled up, and some would retake the box and fill it back up. Some would bring us a box with multiple bags alongside it.

As I would be sorting out the donations and preparing to put all the donations into a 18x18x24 box, I would sit in awe. I would reflect on how things were last Project Smiles. The previous Project Smiles, we were short and having to run around at the last second, spending money we did not have to get items to fill in bags that have yet to be filled.

This year it is so different, on November 12, we dropped off 30 big boxes full of hygiene products, toys, and clothes in Orlando to ship to the Dominican Republic. Also, we dropped 30 25lbs of rice and 37.5 gallons of vegetable oil. With the church congregation's beautiful heart and some businesses, every child will be able to have a toothbrush, toothpaste, a toy(s), soap, shampoo, conditioner, and some clothes in their bag. God is so good. Such a beautiful reminder that God wants us in Dominican Republic.

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