Greetings family,
We want you to know that we are praying for you! We are praying for good health and joy during this difficult time. We are praying for those who are unemployed to have hope restored. God has this and we strongly believe this is about to be a global shift where people more than ever will be worshipping Jesus. It has truly been beautiful to see the whole world praying for the same thing! Seeing the air become clearer and the earth healing itself. God has this all under control and we believe that there is good coming from this difficult situation. We do ask that you join us in prayer as we pray for our city, state, country, and the world. We would like for you to join us in praying for the Dominican Republic as they are on strict lockdown. No one can leave their house from 5 pm-6 am. Only places open are hospitals, pharmacies, and grocery stores, and delivery people. All resorts and hotels are shut down, which is the largest income for Dominican comes from tourism. This country is going to be struggling for a while. In addition, the medical supplies for Joshua Soto have increased in price due to the situation, which is going to make it even harder for Elaine to get the medical supplies Joshua needs. We are asking you to join us in praying and supporting Joshua monthly. If it has been laid on your heart to support him, please contact us for ways to do so. During this difficult time, we are doing our best to help many families with basic necessities locally and internationally. We understand the situation here is difficult and many people not working, but we are in desperate need of funds to continue to help people around the world. For us to be ever mindful and prayerful for our staff in Dominican Republic, Africa and here locally. The need for the hope of Jesus Christ is ever so pressing. We know that we serve a God that can! We hope and pray that we use this time to draw closer to him. We love you guys! We thank you for your prayers and financial support!