At the beginning of the year we signed a lease to a building to start a community center in El Conucos. Woody is currently in the Dominican Republic working hard with Sugeily, Joel and the Provda team on our Community Center of Conucos. They have been repainting and putting up security doors and windows this past week.
Community Center of Conucos is a place for recreation and learning. The goal for the Community Center of Conucos by providing our services through courses/workshops for children, youth, and adults. We will do this without never forgetting that our focus is to build his kingdom. Our dream with the Community Center is to strengthen the bond with the community and support them in social and spiritual development.
At the Community Center, we would like to have a small play area for children and young adults to play on. As well we are wanting to have workshops of computer, recycling, jewelry, pastry, painting, pastry, painting, ceramics, or crafts, and much more. The center will be open for all the family, divided by days and ages.
We cannot do this without your help. Soon we will be doing a painting sale. All proceeds will go to the Community Center. Painting is painted by our very own Joel, as well as a friend of our Ichi. So be on the lookout for the sale in April!
If you would like to donate to the Community Center: PayPal: PayPal.Me/GSALTD1 Checks: Good Samaritans Alliance 1913 North Highway 341 Rossville GA, 30741